Saturday, January 23, 2010

it's here!

Hello! My portfolio is here!!!

There are not enough exclamation points in the world to declare how excited I am about this. It was not a pleasant journey. I made some pages from scratch, using dreamweaver, and got them all uploaded, painfully, to my hosting site. Some of the pictures wouldn't load - namely, a pretty sidebar I had made with clickable pictures that took the user to various parts of the site. I didn't know what to do. Plus, in general I just wasn't loving how it looked. So I gave in to the far-off whisper of indexhibit, the CMS (?) responsible for some of my favorite artist porfolios (namely, meg hunt and Lizzy Stewart). I love the clean, white spaces and kept reading how easy it is to set up one of these accounts. And IT IS.

Ok: Disclaimer. It was super stressful/scary/hair-pulling-out for like an hour or two there, but not because of indexhibit. Rather, because I couldn't follow directions. Once I sorted out my issues and spoke to a lovely representative, and waited a little bit for my site to be moved to a linux server, all was right with the world.

And now! I'm up and running! Come check it out! Let me know what you think!!!

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