Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year!

An illustration inspired by a recent article in the New York Times about a collection of essays all about The Big Lebowski. (Look! A background!)

As it's New Years Day, some goal-writing for the new year is in order...
1. Take more risks - ie, start working freelance.
2. Get more organized - particularly when it comes to finances.
3. Make more thoughtful purchases - no more clothes hanging around for months in the closet with the tags still on!
4. Have my artwork displayed somewhere...A coffee shop, a gallery, a book store, whatever.
5. De-clutter - I have a move coming up in the summer, my first in 4 years, and I've amassed waaay too many belongings. Some things will be donated, some will be sold, but I need to start moving on that, because the clutter is weighing me down!

And I am not calling these "resolutions." The word makes me shudder. I don't resolve to do these things. I aim to do them. It's an important difference!

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